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Set adriftCast adriftRun afoul ofAbandon shipRun agroundFall downRun downPut byPut to seaUnrepLooseLie on the oarsLet go by the runHaul offRide outJump shipLet driveSlip the cableBeachGo by the boardStand outCarry awayOverreachShove offBear off fromHaul outCast awayStrandHullSlip offFall aboard ofFall offLie offSet sailUnwhipMake sailSit outCut and runCast offSail on another boardSingle-handMake shipLay toGo overboardUnreefCut outGhostSailUnrigPut aboutUncastShipwreckReachLay onShipScuttleTake shipSag offShootGive the stemBeat upMisstayUnbendOutsailStand onHead offClubSeelBear awayRideCruiseStrike sailSwing at anchorStand offGo aboutAbout shipSurgeUndockLay byDrop anchorPuddle jumpStandSpillBear offEat to windwardDrop asternClaw offLaunchRatchGo downUnmoorSheerHawseAccostGo to seaOutstandTrim one's sailsBreak sheerGuideUnbrail