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Lost bulletTarget number oneThe emperor of parisGanglandsDeceptionThe rose makerBac nordReturn of the heroSentinelleGun cityBlack tideDheepanLes rois du mondeGagarineAdorationThe five devilsThe ruthlessOxygenColombianaLaal kabootarA faithful manSaloumScheherazadeKill ben lykInhuman resourcesAl kameenStockholmIsmael's ghostsBlackOutlawsDevakiOllaThe warriors gateOnce upon a time in calcuttaBigbugMurderCloseAnjaam pathiraaKolaigaranLine of dutyPatrickRanarangamThe man who sold his skinDie in a gunfightLudoNemesisThe secrets we keepThe paramedicScarletKabadadaariIncendiesKapatadhaariRed dotThe evil next doorA bluebird in my heartThittam iranduOfficial competitionMartin edenParis parisHot bloodedIntuitionBeckettFrankieAnnaMaixabelThe wild goose lakeThe golden holidayDealerNobody knows i'm hereSound of noise1982Baaghi 3The crimson riversLucaniaThe endless trenchPopcorn monkey tigerLoinArjun gowdaLaal rangCold pursuitKaithiKaappaanP stormSaani kaayidhamThe human voiceDay zeroAngelDetective vs sleuthsBrochevarevaruraRaat akeli haiThe claus familyLaal kaptaanKalkiThe gandhi murderColour of deceitsIntegrityAsuraguruCop secretCharm city kingsMonsieur lazhar