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HeroesAttero dominatusAmarantheGlory to the braveBathoryEpicus doomicus metallicusIron saviorAnthems of rebellionPrimal fearThe dark elementSumerian cryEclipticaStigmataEmber to infernoBombusTales from the kingdom of fifeOpus eponymousTwilight of the thunder godEuropeSaxonFalconerFuror gallicoMetalizerCrimson thunderMustaschDark endlessIron willResurrection through carnageHammerheartDark medieval timesIced earthThe book of heavy metalFar away from the sunLunar strainBurning bridgesDamage doneEnsiferumMarch of the saintNifelheimRenegadeHybrisSonic syndicateBurn the priestCodex atlanticusKhaos legionsPowerhouseHelixThe phantom agonyTwilight timeFate of nornsBlood fire deathTwilight of the godsBattalions of fearPower & the gloryThe strength/the sound/the songsSurtur risingColonyMelissaMercuryManifestLightning to the nationsSven galiAnthem of the peaceful armyRequiemJomsvikingBattlesDead by aprilApocalypticaHoly diverDeceiver of the godsThe ride majesticTokyo bladeStorm of the light's baneActs of supremacyLove and other disastersFifth angelFeel the steelNo sacrifice, no victoryGlory for salvationAdvance and vanquishThe triumph of steelHard 'n' heavySwamplordDe mysteriis dom sathanasLegacy of kingsFollow the blindPrison of desireLegendary talesRedemptionAt war with realityAcceptMidnattens widunderBetween the buried and meThe poisonConstellationsStabbing the dramaStrong arm of the lawMercyful fateHavenBrutus