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Mirian iii of iberiaSimon i of kartliPuzur-ashur iDemetrius i of georgiaPeroz iArchelaus i of macedonGeorge iv of georgiaBagrat iv of georgiaPharnaces ii of pontusIthobaal iTakelot iKing of tyreKashtaGeorgeKrishna shahDharanindravarman iAshot i of armeniaTheodoric iNarasimhavarman iShapur iBagrat iii of georgiaArtavasdes ii of armeniaArtaxerxes iiiAlexander i of georgiaGrand prince of kievArtaxias iHormizd iiMithridates i of parthiaArsaces i of parthiaAriarathes vi of cappadociaItalusTiridates i of armeniaBardylisAdad-nirari iiiDantivarmanDedumose iMithridates ii of parthiaKubratArtaxerxes iiBalashPeroz iiiDemetrius i of macedonDecebalusHormizd ivKardam of bulgariaDevavarmanHerod the greatPhraates ivKharavelaPerdiccas ii of macedonGeorge iii of georgiaNicomedes iv of bithyniaCyrus the great in the bibleDarius iiiArdashir iAlexander i of epirusArdashir iiIndo-parthian kingdomCharatonShapur iiiKingdom of asturiasInal the great of circassiaCambyses iiDarius the greatPrince of achaeaEucratides iGentiusAnantavarman chodagangaAlexander ii of macedonGeorge v of georgiaMahendravarman iKashyapa i of anuradhapuraOsorkon iKingdom of serbiaShatadhanvanNajashiKarikalaBayan iNarasingha deva iKakudmiDevabhutiPerseus of macedonNarasimhavarman iiArses of persiaKaleb of axumCandaulesDarius iiDevarajaPleistarchusArtaxerxes iAdonAmyntas iv of macedonJayachandraMihira bhojaHermanafridPururavasGeorge i of bulgariaAgesilaus iiGeorge xii of georgiaSobekemsaf i