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DahomeyOttoman algeriaIsaaq sultanateJolof empireGhana empireSaadi sultanateTabasaran principalityKingdom of beninExarchate of africaColony of nigerSultanate of ifatAshanti empireTanganyika territoryEmirate of bukharaSanjak of smederevoFrench sudanSheikhdom of diriyahSultanate of zanzibarKingdom of butuaSenegambia and nigerMughal empireFrench togolandKingdom of matambaMthethwa paramountcyNorth yemenTanganyikaKhanate of kalatSultanate of mogadishuRepublic of pisaPortuguese timorDiocese of africaNorthern nigeria protectorateKhanate of kazanColonial nigeriaEmirate of bariCongo free stateErivan khanateKong empireGambia colony and protectorateBritish west africaKingdom of jolofKingdom of beni abbasKingdom of ndongoItalian tripolitaniaNyasalandEmirate of afghanistanKingdom of mutapaProvinces of nigeriaAshantiAzawadRepublic of the congoSouth west africaEmirate of granadaProvince of westphaliaJaunpur sultanateKamerunKingdom of africaFrench madagascarRepublic of logoneMali federationGerman west africaSecond empire of haitiKazakh khanateMalwa sultanateDelhi sultanateRhodesiaJaxaLado enclaveSultanate of cirebonAjuran sultanateDespotate of the moreaCarnatic sultanateGaza empireFrench congoSharifate of meccaColonial indiaBelgian congoProtectorate of ugandaEnglish tangierFrench protectorate of tunisiaOudh statePrincipality of serbiaSultanate of egyptKenya colonyKingdom of aksumGreat hordeStellalandHotak dynastyAstrakhan khanateTurkestan autonomyGujarat sultanateKingdom of yugoslaviaKingdom of portugalHanthawaddy kingdomEastern region, nigeriaAzadistanFree state of fiumeItalian libyaPrincipality of kievMamluk sultanate