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Baltic ententeMaastricht treatyAlpine conventionTreaty of lausanneCovenant of the league of nationsRoerich pactTreaty on european unionMunich agreementLahore declarationMultilateral treatyTreaties of the european unionTreaty of brusselsSchengen agreementParis agreementBerlin processFrankfurt proposalsSwiss federal constitutionBasic treaty, 1972Hague conventions of 1899 and 1907Peace treatyBerne conventionTreaty of lisbonRacial equality proposalCartelPatent cooperation treatyFour-power pactMinsk agreementsNorth atlantic treatyCotonou agreementConvention on biological diversityNational pactAsean declarationTreaty of niceFree trade agreementNew york agreementRed line agreementDefense pactGroup of nineArms trade treatyHelsinki treatyEuro-atlantic partnership councilTreaty of bernRome statuteBrioni agreementAgreement on agricultureGlasgow climate pactTreaty of parisSecond london naval treatyBeneluxPerpetual unionJamaica accordsDeclaration by united nationsAlma-ata protocolClub de berneThird geneva conventionAnglo-german naval agreementEntenteLondon declarationIndus waters treatyDeclaration of st james's palaceMultilateralismBaghdad pactMontreal conventionNorthern ireland act 2006Anglo-french supreme war councilAnkara agreementLeague of nationsEuropean coal and steel communityFourteen pointsTreaty of romeIstanbul cooperation initiativeMotto of the european unionSt andrews agreementJoint plan of actionMartens clauseFour power agreement on berlinKinmen agreementConference of the partiesColumbia river treatyNew union treatyAnnan planSupranational unionPolaris sales agreementTaif agreementColorado river compactTreaty of rarotongaStability and growth pactEuropean economic communityNon-aggression pactOuter space treatyEnergy charter treatyInternational joint commissionSecret treatyEdinburgh declarationPrespa agreementDeclaration of helsinki1975 algiers agreementProtocol on incendiary weaponsSunningdale agreementHague choice of court convention