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FoundationThe halfblood chroniclesMargaret weis bibliographyRobin hobb bibliographyFairylandDavid eddings bibliographyElemental mastersSymphony of agesEarthseaSusan hill bibliographyJan morris bibliographyJoyce carol oates bibliographyS. m. stirling bibliographyLemony snicket bibliographyJacqueline wilson bibliographyLouise erdrich bibliographyHainish cycleThe secret seriesLiveship traders trilogyThe iron fey seriesLinda lewisThe dark artificesAlabasterThe magicians' guildAvalon seriesAnne rice bibliographyAnnals of the western shoreThe lake of tearsGuardians of ga'hooleR. a. salvatore bibliographyHouse of many waysRaymond e. feist bibliographyBetsy-tacyBrandon sanderson bibliographyThe mad shipThe tolkien readerThe farseer trilogyHorizonHarry potterChaoticIncryptidTanya huff bibliographyFallenThe raven cycleBelladonnaThe curse of chalionPretty little liarsTerry brooks bibliographyCrossroadsThe sharing knifeThe song of the lionessShip of magicFireThe eleniumCity of fallen angelsPageThe lying gameCatherine asaro bibliographyDean koontz bibliographyDeryni novelsLegacyDaughter of smoke and boneSabrielLaviniaBrokenObernewtyn chroniclesTales from earthseaOutlanderPatricia a. mckillip bibliographyLilith's broodThe divinersHercule poirot in literatureThe tamuliMichael moorcock bibliographyThe vampire huntress legend seriesDrums of autumnBarkThe deed of paksenarrionLady midnightThe chronicles of amberFalling kingdomsClockwork angelEmily climbsCeciliaAscendance seriesPaladin of soulsSoldier son trilogyThe magician's elephantAdaptations of anna kareninaBlissIn deathChaliceStrange talesH. p. lovecraft bibliographyShort story collectionChain of goldEnid blyton bibliographyJirel of joiryRutshire chroniclesMalory towers