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Member of parliamentBundestagLandtag of schleswig-holsteinAbgeordnetenhaus of berlinEuropean parliament constituencyAustrian parliamentLandtag of mecklenburg-vorpommernLandtag of hesseDeputyList mpLandtag of lower saxonyLandtag of brandenburgChamber of deputiesHouse of commonsMember of the seneddParliamentParliamentary leaderPrussian house of representativesReichstagHamburg parliamentLandtag of rhineland-palatinatePeople's deputy of ukraineParliament of romaniaItalian parliamentSlovenian parliamentNational assembly of belarusNational assemblySejmLeader of the oppositionBelgian federal parliamentCongress of deputiesRanking memberParliament of ghanaHouse of representativesMember of the legislative assemblyHouse of commons of canadaSenate of polandFrench parliamentSenateAustralian senateSenate of the czech republicParliament of namibiaParliament of cataloniaMissouri house of representativesHouse of peoples' representativesGrand national assembly of turkeyParliament of australiaSeimasGibraltar parliamentParliament of polandParliament of trinidad and tobagoBenelux parliamentAustralian labor party caucusParliament of victoriaEuropean people's party groupDemocratic peruParliament of kazakhstanOireachtasParliament of egyptPrussian house of lordsArgentine chamber of deputiesFederal parliament of somaliaParliament of malaysiaInter-parliamentary unionMixed groupChamber of deputies of chileParliament of bermudaParliament of south australiaLandtag of liechtensteinLower houseParliament of galiciaTexas house of representativesBloc partyChamber of deputies of paraguayParliament of queenslandParliamentary labour partyGerman people's partyParliament of jordanParliament of albaniaIowa house of representativesIllinois house of representativesKurdistan region parliamentNational congress of brazilScholz cabinetParliament of georgiaSenate of romaniaMoscow city dumaHouse of federationCongressional caucus6th lok sabhaHouse of assembly of barbadosState dumaLandtag of north rhine-westphaliaParliament of montenegroHouse of assembly of bermudaCrossbencherParliament of maltaCroatian parliamentSouth australian house of assemblySocial democratic party of germany