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Gemlich letterHeiligenstadt testamentAnti-semite and jewA letter to a hinduLetter from birmingham jailOn the jews and their liesThe jewish questionThe aetiology of hysteriaCritique of the gotha programmeDe profundisThe decay of lyingCritique of judgmentLetter to baghdadiThe transcendence of the egoDer judenstaatFranz kafka's diariesMichaelReflections on gandhiLeo's tomeFrom caligari to hitlerA confessionThe power of the powerlessThe road to serfdomThe poverty of philosophyLetter of jeremiahThe father christmas lettersTo the inhabitants of americaThe mind of adolf hitlerLetter to chesterfieldThe interpretation of dreamsThe hitler bookNietzsche contra wagnerNotes from undergroundThe trial of henry kissingerThe idea of the holyBeing and nothingnessFear and tremblingHolocaust by bulletsPolitics and the english languageGod and the stateGoebbels diariesCrisis of conscienceLetters to a young poetCritique of pure reasonThe civil war in franceNotes on nationalismAesthetic theoryThe education of henry adamsHumiliated and insultedThe german ideologyThe concept of anxietyThe concept of the politicalPhilosophical fragmentsFather sergiusHitlers zweites buchThe future of an illusionBerlin diaryStorm of steelIntroduction to psychoanalysisTractatus logico-philosophicusLiberalismExistentialism is a humanismName of the fatherEthicsThe death of adolf hitlerLetter to a christian nationMaterialism and empirio-criticismHitler's table talkInside the third reichThe origin of the work of artBeing and timeEscape from freedomThe myth of the twentieth centuryTime and free willThe ego and its ownHitler diariesCorrespondence of paul and senecaDichtung und wahrheitThoughts on flashFalsifiers of historyOn certaintyLetters on the englishThe communist manifestoBook of jobThe principles of communismEpistulae ad atticumLenin's testamentFaurisson affairHistoria calamitatumPrometheusLove and responsibilityPreussentum und sozialismus1957 nobel prize in literatureThe philosophy of compositionTheses on feuerbachAutobiography of mark twainThe abc of communismThe death of the authorCritique of dialectical reasonThe soul of man under socialism