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Los angeles lgbt centerCenter for constitutional rightsGlsenSouthern poverty law centerAids healthcare foundationBecket fund for religious libertyHuman rights campaignAlliance defending freedomEarthjusticeSouthern center for human rightsNational lawyers guildAmerican civil liberties unionNaral pro-choice americaPflagStonewallCenter for reproductive rightsTides foundationArcus foundationIt gets better projectAmfarAnti-defamation leagueCenter for biological diversityHuman rights groupLgbt culture in san franciscoHuman rights law networkGmhcAmerican atheistsHuman rights foundationHuman rights watchEqual justice initiativeInnocence projectNoh8 campaignColor of changePlanned parenthoodStudents for life of americaAmerican humanist associationAct upHuman rights firstAutistic self advocacy networkNatural resources defense councilNational urban leagueTrans lifelineHarmonyRainbow riotsAmerican jewish congressAmerican diabetes associationRainbow railroadPen americaInternational justice missionComic book legal defense fundLambda literary awardPublic interest research groupRiseBlack alliance for peaceGlaadGlaad media awardBorder network for human rightsElectronic frontier foundationLgbt-affirming religious groupsJdrfOpen rights groupParityLibertyAmerican law institutePopulation services internationalGuttmacher instituteThurgood marshall college fundAmnesty internationalChristian legal centrePathfinder internationalAls associationAmerican heart associationThe legal aid societyLumenAlliance for justiceCasa rubyNational organization for marriageBinet usaImperial court systemTerrence higgins trustFederalist societyGlbt historical societyAvaazCourt appointed special advocatesOperation underground railroadGlobal witnessInstitute for justiceEconomic policy instituteAnti-slavery internationalJunior leagueJ streetAd councilEnvironmental working groupLeague of women votersDavid sternAmerican library associationLiberty counselTransgender europePopulation connectionFamily policy alliance