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Kingdom of serbiaLazar of serbiaRadu negruStefan the first-crownedSebastianismSviatopolk i of kievKrakusGeorge, crown prince of serbiaStefan milutinStefan nemanjaLast roman emperorSaint casimirTsarevich ivan ivanovich of russiaFranz ferdinandAlexander i of serbiaDanilo i, prince of montenegroBraslav, duke of lower pannoniaByzasPrince markoGrand prince of kievPrince of achaeaKarl thopiaNicholas i of montenegroJovan vladimirPrince mirko of montenegroGazimestan speechPrince tomislav of yugoslaviaBogdanConstantine xi palaiologosDmitry pozharskyBorislav herakShishupalaSkanderbegLeontiusMikhail miloradovichLars porsenaRadomir putnikNestor the chroniclerStefan dragutinBattle of lauroTaira no kagekiyoJovan nenadPiyama-raduLeir of britainAlexander of battenbergPyotr bagrationStefan vojislavCount alexander of montenegroMstislav ii of kievKiril, prince of preslavSviatoslav iFelix salm-salmPrince csabaIvaylo of bulgariaNero redivivus legendMstislav iii of kievAlexanderLucius tiberiusLiubartasKing arthurShalivahanaPavel tsitsianovConstantine bodinAmlethMusaAzem galicaKonrad iii rudyBrennusBagrat v of imeretiStenka razinMadog ap llywelynMiroslav of humStarina novakNarsesDemetrius i of macedonSermonSesostrisStephen thomas of bosniaAlexander jagiellonLeopold, prince of hohenzollernAlexander danilovich menshikovRastislav of moraviaLevediPeter ii of yugoslaviaLouis ii of anjouSverker ii of swedenCem sultanIvan paskevichConstantineCasimir iv jagiellonScythian campaign of darius iDecebalusButvydasLadislaus iv of hungaryConstantine ii of bulgariaMikhail of tverIvan vladislav of bulgariaPrince paul of yugoslaviaAlexander nevskyGeorge iv of georgia