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Jacob of nisibisIsaac of dalmatiaSeverus of antiochJohn of ephesusIgnatius of antiochAthanasius of alexandriaEphrem the syrianIbn al-rawandiTheophilus of edessaBar hebraeusSaint georgeBasil of caesareaAhmad al-wafiIbn ishaqAugustine of hippoHasan al-basriJeromeAnastasius sinaitaNikephoros i of constantinopleEustathius of antiochEustathius of thessalonicaTheodore the studiteSaint nicholasIbn abbasIbrahim ibn adhamSaint spyridonPope sergius iAnanus ben ananusAl-nu'man iii ibn al-mundhirIsidore of kievJa'far ibn abi talibSaint eustaceNachmanidesDemetrius of thessalonikiJacob of serughAnthony the greatAl-shaykh al-mufidJames the greatSextus julius africanusChrysostomos of smyrnaMusa al-kazimRabbi akivaCharbel makhloufAndrew the apostleSynesiusBardaisanNicholas mystikosMichael the syrianTheodore of mopsuestiaBenedict of nursiaGregory thaumaturgusNicodemus the hagioriteIbn abi shaybahAlexander of jerusalemCharalambosSaint stephenAgathiusRabbi ishmaelAl-mustakfiAl-qadirAl-nawawiIbn butlanPaisios of mount athosHunayn ibn ishaqAbu musa al-ash'ariEvagrius ponticusDaniel the styliteClement of ohridJa'far al-sadiqTheodoretGennadius scholariusMovses khorenatsiNectarios of aeginaLeo iii the isaurianAli al-ridaElijahAbd allah ibn al-mubarakIbn majahAl-waqidiJohn cassianApollinaris of laodiceaTekle haymanotSaint blaiseIbn hishamSa'd ibn abi waqqasPamphilus of caesareaTheophan the recluseMuhammad al-jawadMuslim ibn al-hajjajIbn qayyim al-jawziyyaPachomius the greatMaronNicolaus of damascusMuhammad ibn al-uthaymeenRukn al-din khurshahAs-saffahJohn tzelepes komnenosIbrahim ii of ifriqiyaLeo iv the khazarMelito of sardis