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Official irish republican armyProvisional irish republican armyFenian brotherhoodIrish republican armySociety of united irishmenClan na gaelReal irish republican armyContinuity irish republican armyIrish republicanismClann na poblachtaRepublican action against drugsIrish national liberation armyIrish home rule movementFiliki eteriaIrish unionist allianceCommittee of union and progressIrish republicIra army councilIrish citizen armyOrange orderHome rule leagueCarbonariCumann na ngaedhealIrish national federationProvisional ira belfast brigadeIrish republican socialist partyReal ulster freedom fightersRed hand commandoBlack liberation armyGermanenordenLimerick sovietOrange volunteersCommunist party of irelandParliament of southern irelandGovernment of northern irelandAmerican anti-imperialist leagueIrish nationalismJacobinHunters' lodgesRound table movementIrish national land leagueScottish national liberation armyOrange order in canadaAnti-fascist actionKnights of the white cameliaCroatian revolutionary brotherhoodAntifaschistische aktionRepublikanischer schutzbundPakistan movementEokaGhadar movementScottish republicanismAnti-apartheid movementEritrean liberation frontIndian home rule movementSiol nan gaidhealFrancs-tireurs et partisansFirst internationalNational corporate partyHong kong juntaOrganisation consulNew irish republican armyCommunist leagueIron frontRevolutionary action movementBund reichskriegsflaggeEuropean liberation frontAbhinav bharat societyLiberation tigers of tamil eelamPalestine liberation organizationProgressive democratsMuslim brotherhoodForqan groupLoyalist volunteer forceBengal volunteersRemonstrantsBlack handSamyukta maharashtra samitiAnushilan samitiPortuguese republican partyDemocratic fascist partyFascio d'azione rivoluzionariaRed hand defendersPatriot whigsBreton revolutionary armyOrdine neroNazi partyCumann na mbanHeimwehrRoyalist partyLeague of empire loyalistsOrder of the pugRed army factionAmalgamated engineering unionPeeliteMovement for greater israelItalian nationalist associationCommunist combatant cellsLiberal unionist partyHromada