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Income taxCorporate taxAlternative minimum taxControlled foreign corporationPay-as-you-earn taxPayroll taxIncome tax in scotlandPersonal allowanceTax avoidanceTax evasion in the united statesTax evasionEuropean union value added taxBusiness rates in englandMinimum wage lawTax shelterIncome tax auditTax withholdingTax shieldTransfer mispricingPay in lieu of noticeTax incentiveDeceptionInternational taxationExcess profits taxTariffTax deduction at sourceAccounting periodTransfer pricingForeign tax creditInternational labour lawTax breakTax rateProtected concerted activityTrade descriptions act 1968Gross receipts taxMaximum wageDividend taxAnti-discrimination lawOccupational licensingFuel taxBank taxSecurities transaction taxIndian black moneyTax deductionDeferred taxTax collectorEuropean labour lawIndividual savings accountPersonal exemptionFalse self-employmentIncome drawdownAdjusted gross incomeDouble irish arrangementFinancial transaction taxTaxpayer identification numberForm w-2Tax creditTax lawInternal revenue code section 409aBuffett ruleGift tax in the united statesBank transaction taxFlat taxTax returnRent control in ontarioPublic limited companyComply or explainTax reformTraditional iraDirect taxRoad taxFiscal policyCompetition lawCompliance trainingRegal ltd v gulliverEcotaxCompensating differentialIrs tax formsEmployment contractTurnover taxIntegrationAgency in english lawProtectionismExpense managementAnti-money laundering softwarePayrollFalse claims act457 planCarbon taxCurrency interventionEnglish contract lawCapital gains taxFinancial lawDividends received deductionMagnitsky legislationProtectionism in the united statesParticipation exemptionMoney services businessFiscal policy of the philippinesObstruction of justice