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Go nutsGo bonkersGo madGo mentalGo crazyGo ballisticGo batshitGo apeGo wildLose one's mindRun highGo apeshitHave a fitMake like a banana and splitHit the roofDo one's nutRun madGet one's freak onFly off the handleCome unhingedRun amokGet bent out of shapeLose itTake leave of one's sensesDumb outFlip outGo pottyBlow upBlow one's topGo nuclearFreak outNut outThrow a tantrumPop one's corkThrow a fitCrack upSee redGo gaga overLose one's coolFlipFly into a rageGet one's bowels in an uproarGo hamRun riotDrive someone up the wallGo bitchcakesLose one's ragGet one's shirt outRun wildBoil overPiss one's pantsLose one's witsBlow a gasketLaugh one's head offFlame upBurst out laughingHave a cowThrow one's toys out of the pramBlow a fuseDrop one's bundleHave a tantrumGet a kick out ofTake fireRant and raveFlip one's wigBurst out cryingBawl outFool aroundDrive someone crazyBust a gasketKnock oneself outBurst into tearsHave kittensGo itBurst a blood vesselGo brrrFall apartGet one's ya-yas outFlip one's lidPress the panic buttonCrease upGet one's knickers in a twistPlay the foolLet flyMake a monkey out ofHave a ballTrip outHave had it up to hereGo to townFall about the placeSplit one's sidesGet someone's goatSet one's hair on fireGet one's panties in a bunchLive it upGo so far asThrow a wobblyGo to prestwichGet one's panties in a wadGo spare