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Get blood from a turnipSqueeze blood out of a turnipGet blood from a stoneGet blood out of a stoneDig out of a holeGet a rise fromStick in someone's throatPull a rabbit from a hatGet gray hair fromGet a riseGive someone a bloody noseDraw bloodTurn the knife in the woundDrain the main veinCrap outPull the fat out of the fireCome unstuckSwallow a bitter pillStick in someone's gulletPull someone's fat out of the fireBleed like a stuck hogBloodyDrop like a hot potatoTurn the knifeSuck it up, buttercupSee through a millstoneDrain the dragonMake someone's blood boilBurst a blood vesselShed bloodMake mincemeat ofSuck the oxygen out ofTake out an onionPull one's finger outGet through one's thick skullGo out of one's wayGet one's end inTurn toMake bricks without strawExtract the urinePush water uphillPull teethGet out of someone's hairMake bricks without strawsTurn a cornerTake a fall out ofDo out ofGet underneath someone's skinRip a page out of someone's bookGet a charge fromBleed the lizardMake someone hard to catchFall off the turnip truckGet someone's nanny-goatTake outBoil someone's pissSuck lemonsPull a rabbit out of a hatLook under rocksSweat bloodDig oneself into a holeGet one's shirt outPut out of one's miseryGet someone's shirt outPull one's hair outTurn a new leafSpin in one's graveTwist the knife in the woundGet grey hair fromStrain at a gnatGet something over withStop the bleedingLose his headNail jell-o to a treeGet one's teeth intoDrive something into the groundDraw the short strawSweat it outRoll in one's graveSuck outBreak one's ballsDig a hole for oneselfSlog one's guts outSplit a gutGrit one's teethRip off the band-aidCut up nastyBlow off steamGet one's hands dirtyGet on someone's wrong sideNail jell-o to a wallTurn into a pumpkinStump itSuck it upGet someone's nannyDrive into the groundGet one's finger outSpit bloodFix someone's clockBust someone's agates