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Hugh o'flahertyMarcel lefebvreGeorge precaMarcial macielJohn vianneyJean-marie villotAlfred loisyDaniel o'connellPope john paul iiPeter faberHenri de lubacJohn courtney murrayGaetano dei conti di thienePeter julian eymardPope leo xiiiIgnatius of loyolaPope benedict xvPeter maurinPope john xxiiiJean-baptiste pompallierDuns scotusPope pius xJohn eudesPatrick duffyPope pius xiPadre pioPope pius viiiPhilip neriPope pius xiiPope sixtus ivAlphonsus liguoriPope sergius iFrancesco spinelliKarl rahnerFrancis of assisiPope gregory ixMichael von faulhaberPierre-jean de smetPope adrian vPope gregory xviPope gregory xiiiPope benedict xviPope innocent iiiGiuseppe siriPope paul viPope urban viiiPope clement viiiCarlos duarte costaBenedict of nursiaPope gregory xPope urban iiPope marcellus iiPope julius iiiPope clement xiiiAgostino casaroliPope clement xPope pius vPope honorius ivCamillus de lellisPope clement xiPope gregory xvPope boniface viiiPaul marcinkusJohn francis regisThomas moreJean-pierre boyerGerard majellaPope innocent xiiiAndrey sheptytskyPope benedict xiiiFrancis xavierPope pius ixPope john xxiPope clement xivPope pius ivPope pius viiStephen langtonHans urs von balthasarPope boniface ixFinnian of clonardAthanasius of alexandriaPope innocent xiPope adeodatus iCharles lwangaMichaelIldefonsusKevin of glendaloughLawrence of brindisiAlois hudalCharbel makhloufMatthew festingLouis massignonPedro arrupePope callixtus iiiLeonardo boffMartin of bragaAdam stefan sapiehaPope sixtus vDiego de landaPaulo evaristo arns