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Form 1040Irs tax formsForm 1099Form 1098-tForm w-9Form w-2Tax returnForm 1099-kDividends received deductionForm w-4S corporationForm 10-qIncome taxCurrency transaction reportPassive foreign investment companyForm 20-fControlled foreign corporationTax file numberInternal revenue code section 1031Foreign corporationInternational taxationForm 1099-miscEmployer identification numberBusiness activity statementForm 10-kIncome tax auditTaxpayer identification numberC corporationSubstantial presence testFinancial statementTax deduction at sourcePersonal exemptionRegulation s-xFlow-through entityTransfer pricingAlternative minimum taxInternational business companyCorporate taxTax shelterForm 13fConsolidated financial statementLike-kind exchangeItemized deductionPreparer tax identification numberMoney transmitterForm s-1Customs declarationForm dTax lawForeign agents registration actQualified dividendInheritance taxForm i-140Franchise taxMaster limited partnershipForeign exchange controlsInternal revenue code section 409aForm i-129Tax inversionSec filingForeign trade of the united statesDelaware statutory trustBalance sheetBeneficial ownershipForm 8-kShareholderChart of accountsFin 48Bank statementTax evasion in the united statesAccountingEarnings before interest and taxesPayable-through accountQualified intermediaryForeign tax creditForm i-130Backup withholdingForeign direct investmentForeign direct investment in indiaOperating agreementBlocker corporationPayment orderDouble irish arrangementForeign exchange companyStatement of changes in equityParticipation exemptionInternational financial managementInternational financeCost segregation studyDirect taxAudit working papersReverse morris trustEntity classification electionFinancial institutionNonprofit corporationInvoiceEstate tax in the united statesInterest on lawyer trust accountsCash flow statementTax withholding