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JapanGeography of japanTsugaru straitGeography of south koreaIzu peninsulaAsiaNortheast asiaHistory of the ryukyu islandsSatsunan islandsIzu islandsBungo channelGeography of north koreaMaritime southeast asiaSunda shelfSenkaku islandsGeography of indonesiaTokara islandsEast indian archipelagoJapanese alpsGeography of asiaMainland southeast asiaEast asian monsoonThree views of japanFirst island chainOkinawa islandsAkaishi mountainsFlag of japan500 yen coinEast seaEast china seaEast chinaAustralasiaKorea straitMiyako islandsSea of japanHistory of the pacific islandsLiancourt rocks disputeGeography of east timorSingapore straitRebun islandSunda plateAriake seaAsia minorGreater mekong subregionIndigenous peoples of siberiaMalay archipelagoTokyo bayOceaniaTaiwan straitNaruto whirlpoolsKanmon straitsJapanese archipelagoBurma plateAnatoliaApril 2011 miyagi earthquakeIwo jimaNakanoshimaTimorDevil's seaAustralasian mediterranean seaMalay peninsulaTyphoons in the korean peninsulaJapanese temperate rainforestHistory of luzonPtolemy's world mapIndian subcontinentTanegashima space centerExtreme points of asiaOshima peninsulaGeography of tibetHida mountainsAira calderaDeforestation and climate changeOdaibaSolomon islandsOnogoro islandSinai peninsulaOutline of australiaKurobe damBangka straitGeographyGeography of mexicoByzantine anatoliaRoof of the worldSulu archipelagoMekongArchaeology of northern europeCartography of the united statesEurasiaIndo-australian platePhilippine sea plateOkinoerabujimaCoat of arms of new zealandLesser sunda islandsSado mineTurin papyrus mapBiogeographyKikai calderaTimeline of natural historyGeography of south india