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Flag of scaniaFlag of canadaFlag of denmarkFlag of american samoaFlag of south koreaSerbian crossFlag of saint davidSaltireCross of lorraineEmblem of bhutanSaint george's crossSenyeraCroatian checkerboardBetsy ross flagCoat of arms of germanyCoat of arms of fijiGonfalonMaltese crossNordic cross flagJerusalem crossFlag of sri lankaCross of saint jamesRed starCeltic crossOrder of christ crossNational emblem of north macedoniaCross molineRussian orthodox crossBolnisi crossCockade of italyCoat of arms of estoniaStar and crescentCross of saint peterFountainNational emblem of omanBorder tartanSwastikaLiberty poleBalto-slavic swastikaFlag of sicilyNational symbols of scotlandChakanaArmenian eternity signNorwegian battle axeHammer and sickleBowen knotEqual-armed crossFylfotOriflammeCrucifixStone of sconePrussian crown jewelsCrescentShield of the trinityHoly crown of hungaryCrossguardOld schoolBracteateLatin crossArrow crossBlackworkRose crossEye of providenceLongswordStafford knotCircle of starsLozengeBattlefield crossHoly lanceKnightly swordRhumbline networkCross of lothairGlengarryInstrument of jesus' crucifixionKrisBohemian crown jewelsBlack pantherGrapevine crossMoravian starEmblem of iranTurk's head knotPectoral crossCrux gemmataCeltic knotKhachkarBlack prince's rubyTitulus crucisHorseshoe archMackinaw jacketImpalementPhrygian capGlen plaidLabarumStar of ishtarMandarin squareEconomy of the song dynastyNeckletKiltMetopeQuatrefoil