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HexagramPoints of the compassCompassHistory of the compassFlag of washington, d.c.HeptagramCelestial equatorFlag of palestineFlag of turkeyFlag of cubaSummer triangleSextantSpring triangleEquatorSun crossStar-shaped polygonCompass roseLatitudeStar chartFlag of chinaFive-pointed starStarRight ascensionFlag of saint kitts and nevisFlag of chileEquatorial coordinate systemFlag of burkina fasoFlag of the netherlands antillesCelestial globeStar trackerImage circleCruxHistorical brightest starsFlag of uzbekistanCelestial sphereRising sun flagPoles of astronomical bodiesHorizontal coordinate systemFlag of alaskaEcliptic coordinate systemMagnetic dipBinary starFlag of germanyCircular orbitGeomagnetic poleMeridian arcChinese star mapsSouthern crossQuadratureBarred spiral galaxyCircle of latitudePole starPictorSolar zenith angleAstronomical symbolsMeridianSouthern celestial hemisphereFlag of djiboutiHorizonBeta centauriGeographic coordinate systemFlag of zimbabweSolar timeAsteroid beltHorocyclePhase angleSyzygyOrion's beltOctagramFlag of portland, oregonStellar rotationSun sensorConstellationFlag of hondurasNorthern celestial hemisphereGeminiAntisolar pointStellaratorApparent magnitudeParallactic angleSunspotRed rectangle nebulaOrbitStellar parallaxEarth-centered inertialSolar calendarPhi virginisGalactic bulgeHistory of sundialsHeliosphereAstrometryAxis mundiGlobeCelestial poleTrue northSaturn's hexagonRings of saturnFlag of marsGalactic coordinate systemPlanisphere