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FieldLevitated massSky mirrorActonThe lightning fieldSnowplowPolandAuroraRay of lightTranscendenceAngel of the northAntipodesFulcrumBreakerAllianceAscensionOlympus24 hour psychoContinuumTurner prizeHammering manThe loversRainbowOpus 40Garden at sainte-adresseLuminosityDaedalusBouquet of tulipsEpicenterPaul matisseEchoAncestorSanta monicaSlipstreamThe callingStarry nightGaiaFlightAlienRenaissanceMarsyasBanksus militus ratusManhattanSpirit of haida gwaiiSpiral jettyFideicommissumIroquoisRichard serraA bigger splashDreamThe cornfieldBird in spaceThe heart of the andesAn oak treeMimirThe death of the artistTime pyramidArchLoveEarly one morningCompassThe wheat fieldBridgeSinai7000 oaksThe starry nightLionBen johnsonSphere within spherePerpetuityMagritte museumThe beguiling of merlinA dance to the music of timeThe artist's garden at givernyDolbadarn castleDante alighieriLos angelesSmokeMathemalchemyMermaidMuralQuasiSymbiosisAdoration of the magiMade in usaLe grand canalLaureateTraffic light treeArgoCorpusCairnsGrasshopperChicago picassoAmerican bisonSpoonbridge and cherrySaint andrewThe ghost of a fleaTuttomondoGatewayGallery of sistine chapel ceiling