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Lonely press playThe boxerHumanPaper monstersSbtrktAlexanderDamon albarn discographyLife thru a lensDavid brombergThe hour of bewilderbeastThefutureembracePhysicalEuphoria morningFrank blackPaul wellerBucketheadlandJames arthurThe principle of momentsGlobalChaos and the calmJohn lennon/plastic ono bandDoo-wops & hooligansMura masaFeed me weird thingsBetter living through chemistryOne yearDavid gilmourHere comes the fuzzLong way downLeon russellThe eraserPhrazes for the youngThe fire insideFlowing riversLanguageDavid bowieSubmarineRonan parkeTomorrow's modern boxesRockin' the suburbsDavid sylvian discographyDreamlandRasmus seebachScience fictionHarlecoreAlexandriaBanksHarry stylesGolden heartAlbionI, assassinForever everlastingLabi siffreTelekonGreen manBlanck massMarshall crenshawNo need for alarmRobin zanderHesitant alienA beautiful worldSanctuaryDiscreet musicBlack labyrinthFlamingoBig red machineThousand knivesFlumeAndy grammerThe evolution of robin thickeOther people's livesAll the lost soulsNew worldMind of mineThe golden scarabReturn of the mackBlackThe life of pi'erre 4Boy in da cornerDavid byrneAnother day on earthThe college dropoutLloyd coleBuilt on glassIn the lonely hourThe atlas undergroundNothing great about britainBack to bedlamThe colour in anythingSub focusLoudon wainwright iiiLord upminsterReturn to waterlooBunkkaThe north bordersLive from the undergroundIan hunterA map of the floating citySongsBorn to do it