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Turkic peoplesMiddle eastern philosophyNames of the levantAllochthoneIranian peoplesArab-persiansMaghrebisHistory of the middle eastReligion in the middle eastHistory of central asiaSouth asian ethnic groupsBedouinWestern worldMiddle iranianTurkic migrationMiddle eastern cuisineSemiticArabicCulture of palestineEastern worldMashriqi arabicMiddle eastern studiesLanguages of iranIranian languagesNorthern berber languagesMedieval greeceMiddle eastern empiresHistory of syriaBritish arabsPalestinian arabicScythian languagesHistory of south sudanTurkish peopleAfrican diasporaArab folk dancesIslamic cultureMuslim europePalestinian diasporaArmenian diasporaGenetic studies on moroccansBaliHistory of libyaIsraelitesEastern iranian languagesAncient north arabianGenetic history of the middle eastJewish tribes of arabiaCentral germanCentral semitic languagesSpillover of the syrian civil warHistory of islamIranian persianMesopotamian arabicSyrian nationalismOld worldSouth semitic languagesAncient semitic-speaking peoplesHistory of east asiaArabs in pakistanIndo-european languagesLebanese diasporaSyrian cuisineBanu tamimTanukhidsTurkic peoples in indiaIndigenous peoples of africaCulture of iraqLevantine arabicKurdish mythologyHistory of ancient lebanonIndo-europeanReligion in tajikistanPashtun diasporaBosniaksMesopotamian mythsRashaida peopleArabs in indiaLebanese sunni muslimsDemographics of asian americansHistory of yemenAntiochian greek christiansPashtun tribesMongolsSemiteEthnic groups in latin americaTimeline of middle eastern historyCeltic nationsMiddle indo-aryan languagesOttoman turksPersiaCulture of turkeyEmiranMesoamerican languagesMughal peopleAlawitesSumerAssyrianMoroccan mafiaPolitical history of the worldHistory of asia