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Alhred of northumbriaEadbald of kentAlfred the greatCeolwulf i of merciaCynewulf of wessexCnut of northumbriaCeolwulf of wessexGuthrumEcgberht ii of northumbriaEcgfrith of merciaCynricHildeprand of spoletoEcgberht i of northumbriaAnsprandSigeberht of wessexRicsige of northumbriaOswald of east angliaRichard iHorik iOcta of kentOsberht of northumbriaEdward iEadredNorthmanChilperic ii of burgundyIne of wessexCeol of wessexBeornwulf of merciaEcgberht, king of wessexEdward the elderEadwulf ii of northumbriaAurelius of asturiasEuricAlaricEdmund the martyrBeorhtric of wessexCoenwulf of merciaCeolwulf ii of merciaDagobert iiiCuthred of wessexHugh the greatClarenceuxCanuteMalamir of bulgariaMaxentiusAttilaMalcolm iiLothair iiOthoEdward iiTheodoric iEdward iiiCenwalh of wessexGudfredAlboinSigfredKing of romeLanfrancAlfonso xiiiMichael iiiHaakon viiBernard of italyHeracliusJohn de courcyReginaldHezekiahMorganAlfredConstantine ivGuthredBenedictAnthemiusNigelErc of dalriadaAldfrith of northumbriaBrian boruAdad-nirari iiiCarloman of bavariaEdmund iCharles xMellitusLeofric, earl of merciaDonyarthSledd of essexCharlemagneNabonassarAdrastusOngendusAlexander the greatLudwig iiOffa of merciaOdo of franceCarloman iiDesideriusShamshi-adad vCentwine of wessexEusebiusEinhardHnabiHuoching