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Father of the houseSenator for lifePresident of the senateVice presidentState senatorStatesmanLife peerRanking memberMember of congressLeader of the oppositionPresident of the united statesChief justice of the united statesUnited states secretary of statePoliticianPolitical positions of joe bidenLibrarian of congressMember of parliamentPresident of the senate of nigeriaVeepLeader of the house of lordsCounselor to the presidentMinority leaderPrime ministerUnited states secretary of warLord speakerSpeakerHarry reidPresident pro temporeChuck grassleySteve clarkPhysician to the presidentLeader of the house of commonsPolitical positions of rand paulChuck schumerPolitical positions of ted cruzFirst secretary of stateRichard blumenthalFrontbencherUnited states secretary of defenseMayor of the district of columbiaMember of the european parliamentLeader of the house in rajya sabhaLeader of the house in lok sabhaNominated member of parliamentBob menendezDick durbinChairman of the state dumaLindsey grahamSherrod brownTom carperParliamentary leaderSecretary general of the lok sabhaMike crapoBen cardinLieutenant governor of floridaChairman of ways and meansGovernor of massachusettsSenators for life in italyPrime minister of russiaJohn shermanStatespersonRon wydenChairman of the verkhovna radaFather of the nationFirst family of the united statesPatrick leahySecretary of state of washingtonMajority leaderFirst lord of the treasuryArchivist of the united statesSheldon whitehouseSecretary of state of kentuckyPresident of harvard universityAssistant secretary for healthChief justice of australiaChris doddBackbencherSecretary of state of floridaBernie sandersLieutenant governor of new jerseyRichard shelbyShadow chancellor of the exchequerRepublicratGovernor of north carolinaLieutenant governorRoberts courtRichard nealLieutenant governor of new yorkMitch mcconnellChair of the federal reserveSecretary of state for defenceSam nunnCross-bencherGovernor of californiaSpeaker of the dewan rakyatGovernor of michiganElectorLord chancellorCongressmanGovernor of minnesota