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Council of ephesusSecond council of ephesusFirst council of nicaeaCouncil of constanceFifth council of the lateranCouncil of trentSecond vatican councilCouncil of florenceFirst synod of tyreCouncil of laodiceaFirst council of lyonCouncil of vienneCouncil of chalcedonCouncil of pisaFirst council of the lateranCouncil of jerusalemSecond council of constantinopleChurch councilPapal conclaveSynod of hippoSecond council of the lateranPapal consistoryCollege of pontiffsRomeThird council of the lateranConciliarismCatholic ecumenical councilsCouncil of jamniaConcordat of wormsEcumenical councilCollege of cardinalsEpiscopal conferenceCatholic church in italyConclaveState church of the roman empireRoman curiaVatican iiSecond council of lyonCatholic church in romaniaPresbyterorum ordinisMetropolitan bishopDei verbumRoman rotaConsistoryThird council of constantinopleSynodCollege of bishopsHistory of the catholic churchEdict of thessalonicaGelasian decreeDiocese of romeHoly seeRoman catechismChalcedonian christianityFederal council of churchesLatrociniumCardinalMost holy synodPontiffConvocationHoly synodReichskonkordatCanon of trentLambeth conferenceChalcedonian definitionDicastery for bishopsCongregationTridentine calendarInquisitionHierocracyPastoral councilEutychianismPeace and truce of godSecond council of nicaeaCatholic church by countryCatholic church in indiaDicastery for the clergySacrosanctum conciliumFetialConferenceRoman inquisitionOxford movementParochial church councilHistory of the papacyLeo's tomeCatholic churchEnglish reformationTridentineChapterPapal primacyLumen gentiumBishop of romeDonation of constantineTheatineLatin patriarchate of jerusalemPriestly fraternity of saint peterChurch fathersPentarchyConclavismEcclesia dei