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Council of florenceCouncil of constanceCouncil of trentCouncil of vienneFirst council of the lateranSecond vatican councilFirst council of lyonSecond council of the lateranCouncil of chalcedonFifth council of the lateranCouncil of ephesusCouncil of romeSecond council of lyonSecond council of ephesusSecond council of constantinopleFirst council of nicaeaLatrociniumVatican iiConciliarismThird council of the lateranCouncil of jerusalemSpanish inquisitionGreat schismControversies about opus deiHesychast controversyRomeCrusadeCouncil of jamniaPapal conclavePeace and truce of godFirst synod of tyreInquisitionSynodCanon of trentChurch councilCouncil of laodiceaHistory of the catholic churchPapal consistoryTridentineBosnian churchConvocationCatholic church in italyFraticelliCrusadesCrusades against christiansEcumenical councilReichskonkordatCatharismSynod of hippoThird council of constantinopleCatholic ecumenical councilsOld catholic churchSecond council of nicaeaConsistoryConclaveSchism of 1552Presbyterorum ordinisChalcedonian christianityCriticism of the catholic churchSacrosanctum conciliumEpiscopal conferenceArian controversyMost holy synodLumen gentiumEcclesiasticusHierocracyCollege of pontiffsConcordat of wormsEaster controversyEnglish reformationFederal council of churchesDonatismLambeth conferenceNe temereChalcedonian definitionChildren's crusadeConsolamentumAcacian schismChristianity in the middle agesRoman catechismNestorianConclavismHoly synodLateranCongregationArchbishopric of rigaReformationCatholic church and politicsConciliabuleCounter-reformationOxford movementEcclesia deiPiagnoniBook of common prayerCanonStatute in restraint of appealsCatholic church in romaniaNew apostolic churchEcclesiaChurch of antioch