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AlboinBernard of italyAlhred of northumbriaDesideriusTheodoric iChilperic ii of burgundyHildeprand of spoletoEadbald of kentDagobert iiiEalhmund of kentSceafaSigeberht of wessexAttilaAurelius of asturiasOsberht of northumbriaEdward iCharlemagneKing of romeSigfredAnastasios iiBenedictBerengar i of italyIne of wessexCeolwulf of wessexIldibadEdward iiClovis iiCarloman of bavariaCeolwulf i of merciaGundobadCharles martelPhilippikos bardanesOswald of east angliaLothair iiGuthrumHeracliusClovis ivLothair ii of italyEcgfrith of merciaPeter of castileOngendusCynewulf of wessexSigebert iiiAlfred the greatBrian boruOttoEadwulf ii of northumbriaRichard iAlaricEcgberht i of northumbriaEcgberht ii of northumbriaTancred, king of sicilyCarloman iHnabiCnut of northumbriaArduin of ivreaMichael iiiOlof the brashSigismund of burgundyAdad-nirari iiiOcta of kentChristopher i of denmarkKardam of bulgariaTiberius iiiEdward iiiCount of toulouseLadislaus iii of hungaryHorik iConstantine laskarisMalamir of bulgariaTheudebert iiFrancesco sforzaConrad i of germanyRedbad, king of the frisiansLeontiusHuochingCanute vi of denmarkAthalaricMichael i rangabeCnivaPerdiccas ii of macedonKing of italyAlaric iAistulfLiudolf, duke of swabiaHenry i of franceChilderic iiiRicsige of northumbriaChildebert the adoptedBerengar ii of italyArdaricLanfrancDrest gurthinmochPepin the shortGalbaAttila the hunAnthemiusAlexander the greatAlbionTheodoric ii