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Alliance for germanyAlliance 90/the greensCommunist leagueSocial democratic party in the gdrCommunist party of czechoslovakiaTraffic light coalitionTripartite allianceGerman people's partyBlue coalitionGerman-hanoverian partyMy step allianceProtestant unionIron frontAnti-bolshevik bloc of nationsNational democratic allianceCommunist party of polandLabour and socialist internationalPolish partyFree german workers' partyRainbowAllianceNational conventionSolidarity electoral actionFree german trade union federationDanish people's partyGerman national people's partyPolish workers' partyReichskolonialbundGerman confederationFederation of ethiopia and eritreaDemocratic left allianceCoalitionCommunist party of estoniaCivil revolutionAll for unityLeague of the justPolish coalitionSoyuzCzech socialist republicOrganic centre-leftThird wayCombat groups of the working classEuropean alliance for freedomReformist blocAntifaschistische aktionGalician nationalist blocGerman people's unionCpsuCommunist party of new zealandHomelandSocialist unity party of germanyInner sixCommunist internationalLeague of communists of sloveniaEuropean free allianceInternational democrat unionProgressive allianceNatolin factionPopular civic listPan-german leagueNational social democratic frontCommunist party of germanyNew communist movementGrand coalitionCommunist party of great britainGerman democratic partyLeft socialist-revolutionariesArmenia allianceNational party of europeNew deal coalitionItaly for the italiansCommunist party of the netherlandsEuropean anti-capitalist leftCommunist party of finlandHungarian workers' partySocial democratic allianceAlliance of free democratsNon-aligned movementInternational marxist groupRomanian communist partyTrudoviksItalian communist partyOpposition blocTaiwan communist partyLeague of communists of kosovoPeople's union of estoniaSomali national allianceFinnish partyFor the love of egyptCommunist party of latviaEast german green partyJapan socialist partyCommunist party of belgiumOld believersOne israelDemocratic army of greeceBalkan federationCommunism in koreaRight person electorate coalitionHungarian national socialist party