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Advanced attack helicopterCompact kinetic energy missileSpecial purpose individual weaponAsalmJoint combat pistolGcv infantry fighting vehicleGround combat vehicleSquad advanced marksman rifleM16 rifleOptionally manned fighting vehicleLight helicopter experimentalArmored multi-purpose vehicleFuture force warriorLight observation helicopterArmed aerial scoutM2010 enhanced sniper rifleM163 vadsLong-range hypersonic weaponLight attack/armed reconnaissanceSoldier 2025Future combat systemsAgm-183 arrwLong-range engagement weaponAgm-136 tacit rainbowFuture soldierFuture tactical truck systemBarrett mradM25 sniper weapon systemArmy ballistic missile agencyMarine expeditionary unitPrivateAim-152 aaamAgm-87 focusSquad designated marksman rifleAgm-130Close quarters battle receiverFuture soldier 2030 initiativeMk 14 enhanced battle rifleM21 sniper weapon systemAgm-131 sram iiMulti-mission launcherAmphibious combat vehicleNext generation combat vehicleAdvanced tactical fighterAgm-169 joint common missileAim-260 jatmExtended range guided munitionPrecision sniper rifleM129 grenade launcherPara-ordnance p14-45Advanced combat helmetFuture long-range assault aircraftOkc-3s bayonetAgm-179 jagmM-1956 load-carrying equipmentSlamraamIai rq-5 hunterLong range land attack projectileCrowIntegrated head protection systemM24 sniper weapon systemBct modernizationSkyborgAgm-78 standard armAim-97 seekbatMarauderFgm-148 javelinAim-95 agileJoint service small arms programAgm-86 alcmCombined action programBattle dress uniformRobinson armament xcrJoint unmanned combat air systemsAssault weaponMarine personnel carrierHopiM40 rifleTactical high energy laserOpfiresGeneral dynamics griffinRim-67 standardM320 grenade launcher moduleBattle rifleRim-66 standardManhattan projectAgm-158c lrasmDervishLsat rifleMobile protected firepowerM270 multiple launch rocket systemNext-generation bomberArpaM982 excaliburNew medium helicopterRim-50 typhonRapierLand warriorProject nikeMgm-140 atacms