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Grenville orogenySevier orogenyLaramide orogenyAlleghanian orogenyTaconic orogenyTrans-hudson orogenyCaledonian orogenyLate ordovician glaciationOrosirianHistory of vermontTwo medicine formationEuropean cenozoic rift systemMarcellus formationPrince creek formationCentral pangean mountainsCedar mountain formationOldman formationMid-atlantic ridgeOld red sandstoneLesser himalayan strataCordilleran ice sheetCanadian shieldGeology of the bryce canyon areaHolocene glacial retreatMontney formationChesapeake bay impact craterIsland arcGeology of guamGeology of the alpsGeology of bonaireFlood basaltBakken formationHesperianGeology of sicilyMarcellus natural gas trendArmorican massifSiberian trapsHistory of fijiAllen formationAppalachiaLate glacial interstadialGeology of the himalayasGeology of namibiaPaleobiota of the yixian formationOjo alamo formationAtlanticaLava creek tuffEagle ford groupLaramidiaBurgess shaleCape fold beltMaritime archaicGeology of cornwallLondon clayMushroomLa colonia formationGulf of mexico basinCharlevoix impact structureJuan de fuca ridgeArgovianLarge igneous provinceMount adagdakCornubian batholithPannonian basinNewer volcanics provinceGenesee epochGreat appalachian valleyHorseshoe canyon formationSudbury basinQueenston formationPatagonian ice sheetBushveld igneous complexLaurentiaGlaciokarstIsua greenstone beltMount meager massifOxford clayDinosaur park formationCascadia subduction zoneNorth atlantic igneous provinceLaurentide ice sheetBalticaTweed volcanoGeology of canadaGlen rose formationAppalachian plateauToba catastrophe theoryLias groupAfrican humid periodHekla 3 eruptionGeology of north americaTupungatoNew red sandstoneFerris formationMuschelkalkPaleo-tethys oceanGreater adriaStone mountainChamplain seaEast pacific rise